Seal Juvenile Record


The legislature has widened eligibility criteria and, working with an attorney, it is a hands-off and effective process for clients.  Do you have questions about sealing your Washington State juvenile court record? 

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(206) 222-8829

Question: How do I know if I am eligible to seal my juvenile criminal record?

Most juvenile cases (convictions and deals that did not result in a conviction both) are eligible to be sealed so long as you have:

  1. Spent 2 years in the community without a conviction or diversion.  These can be any two years in a row and do not have to be the most recent
  2. No pending criminal charges and no outstanding duty to register as a sex offender and
  3. Paid the full amount of your restitution.  Sometimes, restitution can be negotiated.
Watch this one-minute video for more information about sealing your juvenile criminal record in Washington state. 

Question: What is the juvenile seal motion process like for me?

Hands off.  We can handle the whole process via email or phone.  All I need is a date of birth and electronic signature on the prepared paperwork.

Question: What does sealing the record accomplish?

The orders sealing the files states:

The proceedings in the case shall be treated as if they never occurred and the subject of the records may reply accordingly to any inquiry about the events, the records of which are sealed.

I then provide the seal order to Washington State Patrol for an update to their database as well as the FBI.

This quick quiz can help you figure out what is right for your record and if you qualify.

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10.0Stefanie Marie Dorn
Stefanie Marie DornReviewsout of 12 reviews